How much GPUs do you need to build a QA bot?

Let’s face it, GPUs are a scarce resource. As value much as LLMs can add to business in the Healthcare industry, we also need to be mindful of cost. In this talk, we will go through practical advices and suggestions on how to choose GPUs for RAG clinical note QA bot based on data size, text distribution, and model choices. We will also demonstrate how to inspect GPU performance and unveil the knobs that you can tune to improve it. This is used to create embeddings at billion scale and successfully unlock the potential of clinical notes for a healthcare provider.

About the speaker
Hoifung Poon

Yinxi Zhang

Staff Data Scientist at Databricks

Yinxi is a Staff Data Scientist at Databricks, where she works with customers to build end-to-end AI systems at scale. She has worked with numerous customers across different verticals and witnessed the value add by big data and AI. She holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Houston. Yinxi is a former marathon runner, and is now a happy yogi.



Sessions: April 5th – 6th 2022
Trainings: April 12th – 15th 2022


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