The challenge of Table Mining of clinical documents

Today, much of the data in the clinical space is digital and resides in a variety of sources.

In this lecture, we’ll explore the challenges this creates for accurate comprehension of clinical data.

The discussion will focus on processing, understanding, and presenting data in tables, the most widely used tool for regulatory submissions.

About the speaker
Orly Frank

Orly Frank

VP R&D at Beaconcure

Orly Frank, Vice President of Research and Development at Beaconcure, has extensive experience in designing and developing enterprise software products driven by AI.

Before joining Beaconcure, Orly led the development of the platform, a leading NLU-based system, as CTO. She began her career at Eastman Kodak, working on high-performance algorithm systems.

Orly holds a BA in Computer Science from The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo.

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